MPA at Hampton, located in the beautiful seacoast region of New Hampshire, serves 18 girls ages 11-20. MPA at Hampton offers three programs in one large, newly renovated home; CAST, ERT and STEP. Because Mount Prospect Academy puts its students first, MPA recently opened Squamscott River Academy (SRA); a NH-DOE approved Non-Public School and Special Education Program located in Hampton, NH. Please visit SRA under our Academic link.
MPA at Hampton; CAST:
The CAST (Comprehensive Assessment and Short-term Treatment) program is designed to provide short-term (up to 60 days) respite and support to the student and caregiver while providing a comprehensive and holistic assessment, including a review of the impact of trauma on the adolescent. It is a chance for the family, student and other stakeholders to catch their breath and evaluate what is working and what is not. From this point, a plan of care is developed to enable the adolescent to succeed in the least restrictive, community-based setting that is possible.
MPA at Hampton; ERT:
The ERT (Enhanced Residential Treatment) program is a structured, trauma informed treatment environment that can support high-risk students who may have previously been considered for SYSC detention or commitment. These students may exhibit significant aggression, oppositional defiance and high-risk behaviors that could result in harm to themselves or others. Students develop adaptive skills and increase confidence through engagement in ERT Clinical phases of treatment: Orientation, Engagement and Leadership.
MPA at Hampton; STEP:
The STEP program was designed to provide short term (up to 60 day), 24 hour per day residential care for adolescents in crisis who are awaiting further placement, evaluation, completion of services plan, or court action. STEP may be the first placement for some youth. The goal is to immediately develop a plan to support stabilization and improve coping skills.
Squamscott River Academy; Hampton, NH
Squamscott River Academy is a NH-DOE approved Non-Public School and Special Education Program. MPA at Hampton is certified to provide special education services and a range of elective courses. SRA provides students with opportunities to advance in the general curriculum from their sending schools and aim to help develop a sense of responsibility and work ethic by engaging students in work-based learning experiences and internships.
In addition to academics and therapy, students participate in a variety of supervised, pro-social and recreational activities with focus on developing skills that are taught in the therapeutic setting. This includes engagement in the community and Adventure Therapy at our Upper Valley Stewardship center. Click here for more information.