A Stellar Event
At a quiet, hand-picked lookout post on the edge of Ewell Pond in the Green Mountains of Vermont students and Faculty from Mount Prospect Academy shared a moment with countless others across the nation to watch a natural phenomenon that will not reoccur for 20 years- the Solar Eclipse of April 2024. A two-day Science lesson had preceded the adventure and laid the groundwork for the trip. Yet, the long drive through winding backroads to the viewing location, coupled with the one-hour wait time until totality had seemed to slightly dull the student’s interest.
Predictably however, as the mid-day sun disappeared leaving the corona, and a still darkness rolled over the area the temperature dropped. Amid the peak of Eclipse Totality, the students were both ecstatic and captivated. According to MPA Faculty members, Chris Mohan and Dewitt Lightsey the students “never looked away”. Like us all, they were consumed by the strange mix of light and darkness together at the same moment. (photos by Chris Mohan)

photo by Chris Mohan

photo by Chris Mohan