In order to initiate the residential referral/admissions process, a youth must be formally referred by a recognized funding agency of the referring state (a few examples DCYF/DCF, DJJS, DMH, sending school districts, etc.). For more information on how to get involved with these agencies, contact your state’s DHHS Office or your local school district.
Once a formal referral has been made by an appropriate referring agency, our admissions team works to gather information pertaining to student’s needs and relevant history. While we do not have a formal referral or application form, we ask that identified referring entities provide as much referral documentation as possible for acceptance consideration. Referral documentation may include previous assessments/evaluations, DCYF or DJJS case history, behavioral reports, medical records, court documents, discharge summaries, IEP/school records, etc. Mount Prospect Academy’s admissions team then determines if one of our programs would be an appropriate fit for the referred student.
Our primary goal is providing a safe, supportive, structured environment for the children placed in our care.
NH Youth & Families
Mazie Schaefer
(cell) (603)726-6975
(fax) (603)238-9475
Out of State Youth & Families
Jeffrey Park
(cell) (603)254-2808
(fax) (603)238-9475